Thursday, February 21, 2013

Punta Paddling

Morning paddle session
Deborah and Nancy
Having fun! You’d think we were 20 year olds!  We're out every day doing something fun in the water or on the beach. We're back and anchored in Punta de Mita on the northern point of Banderas Bay with several others (20 boats at last count) with old friends and meeting new ones. Since, I don’t own a stand up paddle board (SUP for short) I’m at the mercy of others who generously offer to let me borrow theirs. I’m learning the moves. Once you get the balance and strokes down then you can graduate to surfing the waves. This area is known for it’s beginner waves and all ages are out learning.
The last few days we have gathered with friends on the beach, some boarding, some kayaking most just relaxing, watching the the kids play, watching the beach action.
Rob and Danny dingy the SUPs out to the break
 Rob (Shindig) and Danny( Cyclades) tow their paddle boards out to a reef on the point where the surf breaks. As do others who have mobile transportation, the dingy. This is our "car" and only way to get around.  I actually had to learn how to "drive" the other day.  I accomplished my first dingy drive through the wave sets to get to the beach.   A friend was guiding me through the sets as she watched the waves,  I timed the breaks and we passed through to the landing on the beach. A big deal for me!
John is finding his water sport.  The inflatable kayaks we have are good for cruising around, but not challenging enough.  He tried the SUP but his knees won’t let him. ( 20 years in construction trades gives you bad knees!) So, he tried sitting and paddling…this may be the way to go. He caught a few waves. He also is looking for the right wave for boogie boarding. We see the kids doing it. So far he hasn’t found a wave that he likes.
Boards on the beach

Table talk
Young musicians  entertain the beach 
This morning the weather is windy and more challenging with choppy waves. It takes all my concentration to stay balanced and not fall in. It doesn't look hard, but it is! 

1 comment:

  1. Hey you! I recognize my board on the beach! And my pirate bandana on my head! :) (btw this is Marie from Mi Casa) hey, guess what...

    We're now talking (and have even signed up) about really doing the jump across that big puddle! When are you guys planning on leaving? Our buddies from Octavia (you haven't met them yet) are seriously getting every thing ready for it as well and they have just re-delivered the "I wanna go" virus.

    Nice blog! Cheers!

    Marie from my cyber house rules ツ
